Gabrielle before Coco
Gabrielle was born on August 19, 1883 in Saumur. She is issued from a sibling composed of three sisters of which she is in the middle. When her mother died of tuberculosis, Gabrielle and her sisters were placed in an orphanage.
She spent her adolescence in an orphanage. There she discovered sewing. When she was 18 years old, Gabrielle worked as a singer in cafés-concerts during her stay in Vichy. The spectators, mostly male, would have nicknamed her “Coco”.
A beautiful woman very courted
During her youth, Coco did not leave men indifferent. Among her many suitors was Étienne de Balsan, a rich businessman. He introduced her to high society. It is thanks to Balsan’s circle that Coco meets Arthur Capel, better known as Boy Capel. She became his mistress.